Our company
Isontina Ambiente
Isontina Ambiente is the new name of Ambiente Newco srl, a company Isontina Ambiente took over in all its legal relationships as from 2/12/2013.
Isontina Ambiente was founded with the name of Ambiente Newco on 1/1/2011 following the competitive procedure conducted by IRIS - Isontina Reti Integrate e Servizi for the sale of the energy branches. This procedure resulted in a reorganization of the activities related to the management of local public services in environmental matters.
Until December 2013, when Isontina Ambiente changed its name, the company was entirely controlled by IRIS, and after that date it became wholly owned by the 25 municipalities of the province of Gorizia.
The company is responsible for the following environmental service contracts: collection, transport and disposal of solid urban and similar waste, urban cleaning and management of disposal and treatment plants, carried out in twenty-five municipalities in the province of Gorizia (Capriva, Cormons, Doberdò del Lago, Dolegna del Collio, Farra d'Isonzo, Fogliano-Redipuglia, Gorizia, Gradisca d'Isonzo, Grado, Mariano del Friuli, Medea, Moraro, Monfalcone, Mossa, Romans d'Isonzo, Ronchi dei Legionari, Sagrado, San Lorenzo Isontino, San Canzian d'Isonzo, San Floriano del Collio, San Pier d'Isonzo, Savogna d'Isonzo, Staranzano, Turriaco and Villesse) and in three municipalities in the province of Trieste (Duino - Aurisina, Sgonico, Monrupino).
Isontina Ambiente carries out the public service of environmental management mainly through the following activities:
- Collection and transport of MSW (recyclable fractions and residual dry waste)
- Treatment of organic waste (FORSU and green waste) through the management of its own composting plant in Moraro.
- Treatment of recyclable dry fraction (paper / cardboard and plastic / cans) at the Moraro sorting plant (owned by the company).
- Sending of the residual dry fraction to the waste-to-energy plant in Trieste, for disposal.
- Management of municipal and / or communal collection and recycling centres.
- Additional urban cleaning activities (sweeping, emptying of road baskets, prompt intervention).
The main focus of Isontina Ambiente in the performance of its services is to address the need of the stakeholders, and in particular of the citizens, whose satisfaction rate is also related to the satisfaction of Municipalities and control bodies.
Since waste management is a fundamental public service, for Isontina Ambiente the creation of value and the pursuit of profit take second place with respect to the quality and the methods with which the service is carried out. This public service must absolutely comply with existing regulations and regional planning provisions and conform to the requests of the municipalities that are members and users of the service.